The RB Institute Mission Statement
Our goal is to provide an environment where we not only perform natural health care services – but also strive to educate our patients, empowering them, so they may have the knowledge to create a healthier lifestyle for themselves and be responsible and accountable for their own health.
Our goal is to provide an environment where we not only perform natural health care services – but also strive to educate our patients, empowering them, so they may have the knowledge to create a healthier lifestyle for themselves and be responsible and accountable for their own health.

C. Robyn Filkill-Berry, LMT CCT CRR CLDT CST CTM. CMSA
Born in Matlacha, FL a small fishing village, just before you get to Pine Island off Fort Myers, FL USA, then family moved to North Fort Myers where she lived a life as a child, farming, gardening, hunting and fishing. After a hunting accident off SR74, where she was thrown from a truck, suffering a broken neck and brain stem injury called Christopher Reeves hangman's break, which was misdiagnosed for many years of suffering, which led her to pursue a life in Natural Health, Pain Management, Healing and Counseling. A successful mother of 3 children, raising them with the same principles of natural health & wellness, never allowing vaccines or unnecessary medical dogma. In her many business ventures, she also commercially fished, owned and operated a lawn service business, worked in Real Estate, pressure washing and roof coating, cleaned offices, gyms, private homes and timeshares, and carpet cleaning with pH water and ozone.
Graduated with honors a year ahead of her class from North Fort Myers High School and completed Future Business Leaders of American where she worked at The Fort Myers News Press for 10 years in Circulation, Retail Sales Assistant and Real Estate Advertising.
Studied with Bernard Jensen, Iridology. Trained with Natural Health and Business School, Graduated from Venice School of Massage as a Massage Therapist and Colonic Therapist with the Dotolo Method of pressure enclosed system and studied at Wood Hygenic Institute, switched to use the Original Gravity Enclosed Method and studied Parasitology. I advocate Hulda Clarke's work on parasites, as well as Peter D'Adamo for using your food as your medicine and lifestyle by Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type and follow the teachings of Norman Walker and Andreas Moritz on Liver/Gallbladder. I am a FL State Licensed Massage Therapist and Colonic Irrigation Therapist 35 years in Fort Myers, FL.
My clinic specializes in detoxification and release of chemical and emotional patterns. I have studied Chinese Medicine, Naturopath, Clinical Nutritional Counseling, Certified through International Institute of Reflexology since 1991 and was an assistant instructor to Dwight Byers in 1997. Also IAHP.COM webisie to verify class completed CEU's for the following, each class is 24 CEU hours for the following: Worked with Dr John Upledger DO of Palm Beach Gardens, FL Upledger Institute and have completed and practice Crainosacral I, II , have assisted instruction on CSTI, Somatic Emotional Release I, II , Worked in Freeport Bahamas in Dolphin Assisted Therapy with Upledger at Unexo Dolphin Habitat. I have also completed training with Dr Bruno Chickly DO of Chikly Health Institute and completed Lymph Drainage studies as well as Brain I. I am also a Certified Instructor with Dr Jennifer Johnson, ND in Atlanta with the Dual Professional XP Lymph Decongestive Therapy with Rightway Enterprises. Also through Dr John Pierre Barral DO Visceral Manipulation IA and currently working with Alaya Chickly in Heart Centered Therapy I, II . I also am Certified through Dr. Frank Shallenbarger with Ozone and use ozone in my clinic for colonics, inflammation wound care, sinus and ear infections, Vaginal and Rectal Insuffllations and detoxification. I also have infrared sauna, ozone steam cabinet, BEMER, Power Plate Pro 5 Air Adaptive, Hyperbaric Chamber and foot detox at my clinic. My website is I am a Vetran Lakota Sundancer, and study indigenous cultures. I am certified Traditional Thai Massage I & II in the lineage of Jivaka and taught by Kristine Traucht, I will be advancing my training to be a Doctorate of Thai Medicine. C. Robyn Filkill-Berry